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Introducing Smart

21 February 2024
We’re excited to introduce Smart - a new way of engaging with our clients and their employees.

Smart is a new simplified brand from Smartgroup, which we’re introducing as part of our strategy to deliver Smarter Benefits for a Smarter Tomorrow. In short, we’re making it easier to access benefits by creating more rewarding experiences for our clients and customers. We want our brand experience to be simpler, clearer, and - well - smarter for everyone.


Introducing our new, smart look

Introducing our new, smart look


From mid-2024, we’ll begin to roll out Smart to our clients and their employees. Importantly, we are going to make this change carefully and our clients will be with us for every step of the journey. We're starting the journey by sharing an early preview of our plans now - nothing is changing today. Our corporate brand will remain Smartgroup.


See the Smart brand in action

Moving forward, we expect these changes will simplify how we go to market for our clients and their employees, and drive efficiencies for our business so we can serve our clients even better in the future.

If you have questions about Smart, reach out to us at queries@smartgroup.com.au or contact your Client Success Manager.

You can read more about ways we’re delivering Smarter Benefits for a Smarter Tomorrow for our clients and their employees in our ASX release.